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Grow. Revise. Repeat.

To know me is to know I am a top-tier supporter of other people being able to make mistakes (or what they believe is a mistake) and grow som

Don't Let "What If" Ruin Your Day!

If we had a friend who thought their life was going to cease to exist because of one perceived “missed opportunity,” we would quietly tell t

Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen…

I think sometimes we view the loss of control as a scary, or even a point of failure sometimes. But neither of these points are true. Not b

I Decided Against It All...

Allow me to reintroduce myself…my name is (if you didn’t yell “Hov,” we really need to talk about your fun level in life). But let me...

So, what if I...stopped asking why?

For some reason, we like to think if we knew all the details of everything coming, we would be more inclined to participate without hesitati

So, what if I...actually asked?

I don’t like to ask for help…or feedback…or suggestions…or advice…or anything that would make it seem as though I don’t have it all together

But I’m Right…And Why That Doesn’t Matter

But I’m Right…And Why That Doesn’t Matter Y’all, I looooooooooove being right. I don’t really mean right as in always doing the right...

But I’m Right…And Why That Doesn’t Matter

Y’all, I looooooooooove being right. I don’t really mean right as in always doing the right thing, I mean right as in always having an answe

The Frequency of God: Am I Tuned In To Hear Him?

When I first thought about how do we hear the voice of God, the first image that came to mind was trying to find the perfect radio station i

Ummmmmm God...This isn't what I ordered

Ummmmm, God…This isn’t what I ordered “Everything will be all right in the end. If it is not yet all right, it is not yet the end.” Now,...

You Deserve Love

You Deserve Love Love. It is a four-letter word we hear so often from those we love. Yet, we are sometimes left with scars from people...

So About This Brokenness Thing…

#BreakingTheCycle: So About This Brokenness Thing… When I was in graduate school, I had a friend that loved to make mosaic artwork. She...

But It's Not Perfect

#BreakingTheCycle: But It Wasn’t Perfect Well, we’re on the “emotions” part of this series and we’ve done a hefty amount of soul...

Those Sneaky Emotions!

#BreakingTheCycle: Those Sneaky Emotions! After finishing graduate school, I had the most amazing opportunity to be a children’s...

#BreakingTheCycle: The Defense of the Past

#BreakingTheCycle: The Defense of the Past The past is the past…right?! Well, kinda sorta. Whether it be in real life or a movie, we’ve...

#BreakingTheCycle: The Defense of Stubborness

#BreakTheCycle: The Defense of Stubbornness “I’m stubborn, not deaf.” Of all the phrases I say or have said on a regular basis, this had...

Lent Series: #BreakingTheCycle, Defenses

#BreakingTheCycle: Defenses I was taking a BuzzFeed quiz today on college mascots (because that’s what every productive adult does in the...

Fear Is Not A Factor...Or Maybe It Is

Fear is not a factor…Or maybe it is For much of the early 2000’s I was mildly addicted to this reality show on NBC called Fear Factor. If...

"Until It Hurts" Preview: Day 5

I’m Dedicated...For The Most Part Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:24 “You cannot be the slave of two masters! You will like one more than the...

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