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You Deserve Love

Jasmine L. Thomas

You Deserve Love

Love. It is a four-letter word we hear so often from those we love. Yet, we are sometimes left with scars from people who either said they loved us back, never said it, or never provided the actions behind the word itself. Because we often don’t take the time to heal these scars, we began to participate in one of the most destructive activities known to humanity – the false sense that we don’t need love to survive.

You know that person who would rather deal with things alone because they can’t trust anyone. You know that person who refuses to take assistance from others because “they got this”, even though they are dying on the inside. This is a continuous cycle masked with a cover up such as “I’m strong!”. Being strong has nothing to do with pride. Instead, it has everything to do with love. Strong people love without measure, and in return, they receive love as pleasure.

Society has tried to twist our minds to believe that we can only give a small portion of love. We are told to be careful just how much we give to others so we don’t end up hurt. If that is our motive, then we are essentially saying that we do not deserve love. Huh? Yes, you are not putting yourself in a position to love freely. In scripture, it tells us that we reap what we sow. If you do not plant abundant love, then you will not receive love.

The people who do not allow love into their lives are essentially heartbroken. We have to start to acknowledge that this is an issue. It is ok to say we need some time to heal our wounds. You are not soft because your heart is in shambles. In fact, you are on the path to true healing as you open up your heart to be mended back together. Although this post is pushing you to embrace love, you cannot operate in love if you have a clogged heart. Now that your heart is free, here are a few ways you can boost your love life. <3


1. Allow God to love you more than ever.

Without knowing it, we can clog up the flow of love God sends us daily. This happens when we become so frustrated with our own flaws. It is when we are afraid to do something God told us to do because we do not think we have it all together. It is when we push God away because we feel unworthy of His everlasting love.

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard” (Romans 3:23, NLT).

We are not perfect. That is why God sent Christ into the world to die for our sins. When we don’t allow God to care for us, provide for us, or even speak to us, we are saying Christ’s death was not enough. Wow! That is almost like a slap in the face to God in that He gave His all just to show His love more and set us free. Give God the opportunity to open your eyes to His plan for your life. That alone will open your heart to love on Him. God created us for a special purpose in this world. He crafted us in such a unique way that no one else in this world is like us. When we understand this, it can open our hearts to see that we are so important to God. Knowing your significance in His eyes can make room for you to see that you are deserving of a special kind of love, and that is God’s love. Before you can ever love yourself or anyone else, you have to let God love you so that you can love you.

2. Allow yourself to love you.

How do you talk to yourself? Are you more kind to others that yourself? This is so serious to consider. Your internal self-talk can push you to not love yourself. You should treat yourself with an everlasting love. If no one else in the world is capable of loving you, the love you have for yourself should be enough. Take yourself out sometimes. When you reach a goal, CELEBRATE! When you make a mistake, forgive yourself with grace and mercy. There’s no one in the world who can love you like you love you.

3. Allow others to love you.

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony” (Colossians 3:14, NLT).

This one is so hard when you are used to being the person who always gives so much. Sometimes, you forget that you should be loved as well. It can be scary to allow other people to pour into your life. If we are not careful, we can totally block our blessings. Don’t let that be you. When others offer to help you, say yes! It keeps your stress levels down, builds stronger relationships, and creates the harmony amongst the kingdom.

Jasmine L. Thomas is a follower of Christ, lover of her family, a powerful educator, an entrepreneur, and an encourager to everyone she encounters. She is a passionate advocate for educational and Christian-based empowerment amongst youth and women. To live out this calling, Jasmine has most recently launched a tutoring business and a nonprofit organization – Limitless Learning Tutoring, LLC and She’s Worthy. Jasmine believes that people should be given the proper mind enriching tools to elevate their lives to the next level.

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