Keeping It Simple: Direction
Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, then you know I am in a very serious relationship with Target! I have the app, know the layout of my local store better than I should, and have more than once assisted another customer because it was quicker than waiting on someone who actually worked there. And we don’t even need to talk about the time an entire shift knew me by name and were a little concerned when they didn’t see me for three days. Yes, I missed going to Target for three days and they almost filed a missing persons report. This is the life I live.
However, merely going to Target is not really an issue for me. But going there without a list or a plan is asking for trouble. I am easily distracted by all the new items in the bargain section, the color scheme of the season, and literally ever clearance section available in the store. It’s as if every item is a shiny thing and has my attention. So, a slow clap of applause for their store design (and apparently mind control)!
While I would love to say Target is the only time and place I get this distracted, it’s not true. If I start my day, week, or any task without an intended target (pun definitely intended), I often feel like my energy is drawn to the next shiny thing that has my attention. Following the next thing that has my interest may keep me afloat, but it rarely takes me to the goal I have imagined in my mind. Having direction isn’t just knowing where we want to be, it’s being intentional about how we get there.
Direction is intentional and purposeful…but much like in a car, we can only travel in one direction at a time.
And here is where we bring back the idea of “keeping it simple.” So often, I believe we get swept away in the idea of needing to have a plethora of ideas, hobbies, jobs, and side hustles because that’s the current flow of culture. But somehow, we have given less attention to the value of having one thing/passion/idea that we care for and nurture over time. More importantly, the one thing many of us have failed to nurture over time is ourselves (we’ll get into this more). Instant gratification will always feel nice, but some things really do take time to develop.
So, I really want to ask you…what is the ONE thing you need to focus on at this time?
Now, this doesn’t mean that this will be your focus for the rest of your life, year, or even week. But this does mean that you need to close all of the open tabs of your brain (and probably your computer screen) and bring your attention to your one thing. There may be some fear and anxiety that if you’re not touching all those things at once that you’re dropping the ball…but let me help you out. You’re only one person, so all those things were only getting your partial attention anyway.
Close the tabs. Shift your focus. Regain your peace.
Grab some paper and let’s work!
1. What is your ONE thing?
2. Why is this important to you?
3. How can you nurture it more?
Helpful verses:
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
Matthew 6:24 ESV
An indecisive man is unstable in all his ways.
James 1:8 HCSB
